One context of the expression* “salad days” comes from a Queen Elizabeth II speech and reads,"Although that vow was made in my salad days, when I was green in judgment, I do not regret nor retract one word of it."
The queen was speaking of her vow to god and country when she broadcasted to the people of England from Cape Town, South Africa on her 21st birthday.
And just as dear QE2 had no regrets, you will also have no regrets eating salad after salad in the brutal heat of August. Add proteins, or not. We got along just fine the other evening with a handful of oysters with peppery cucumber mignonette, a warmed baguette, and some wildflower compound butter my youngest made.
I created this salad below on the fly and out of love and was delighted how the sweet tart of the plums met the sour notes of the sumac perfectly. I can assure you it all paired very well with the blanc de blancs champagne that was poured.
Take it easy during the hottest month…I recommend going leaf by leaf and plum by plum.
Mixed Greens with Plums and Sumac Vinaigrette
Serves 2
4oz mixed greens
Two small plums
Big pinch of Sumac
Champagne vinegar
A sliver of a garlic clove
Salt and pepper
Wash greens and slice and arrange plums and salad on plate.
Make vinaigrette with sumac, garlic, EVOO, S&P, and vinegar
Dress right before serving.
*Originally written by William Shakespeare for Antony and Cleopatra, where Cleopatra says her early infatuation with Julius Caesar was foolish: “My salad days, when I was green in judgment.”